Tuesday 24 March 2009

Who Will Shape the Future of our World ? Game Developers

With over 400 staff, Virtuos is one of the largest providers of outsourced production services to the games industry in China Since its creation in late 2004, Virtuos’ clients include leading developers as well as 14 of the top 20 games publishers worldwide.

The IGDA Education special interest group keynote this year was delivered by Jane McGonigal, director of game research and development at the Institute of the Future and notable ARG designer
Here, she asked the question: “Are you optimistic about the future?”
“I think game developers have some of the most reason to be optimistic out of anyone on the planet,” says McGonigal. She proses that about 1 in 2000 people have a chance of altering their own future.

The great work of game designers over the next decade, says McGonigal, will be to redefine life as we know it. Games, she says, have the power to change our actual world.

There are 5 key forces that drive us toward a game designer’s future, she says. These are:
– sustainable happiness
– persuasive technology
– the engagement economy
– programmable reality
– superstructing.

McGonigal says that to be happy, humans crave: Satisfying work to do, the experience of being good at something, time spent with people we like, and a chance to be a part of something bigger.

“These four things are what games do,” she says. “Positive psychology is coming to the conclusion that multiplayer games are the ultimate sustainer of happiness.”

Partly, I agree with her points.Cos obviously, people, to the exception of no one, will be involved in the game world in the future more or less.

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