Monday 16 March 2009

More classes launched in wow gold

Legit Gold Making Guide!Full update for Wrath OUT NOW!!!I hope everyone out there is enjoying raiding in Wrath and is not too bored of Naxxramas yet ;) As soon as Ulduar items are released expect to see them in the gear rankings. I know I for one can not wait to see the new raid dungeon!
Death Knights: - I released the two "main" Death Knight specs - Blood and Unholy - a few weeks ago, each spec based on a set rotation for maximum dps. Since this release, Blizzard has made some changes to Frost which makes it a viable spec now as well. Hopefully I can get this spec launched fairly soon as I know everyone is enjoying playing this new class.
Holy Priest: - Yet another healing class. The new holy priest rankings is based around the new 6 second Circle of Healing with the ability to rank the importance of filler healing spells as well as mana regeneration versus healing per second (HPS). Please check it out and let me know what you think.
Gold Guide Updated for Wrath - Side note here, but the gold guide I recommend has been fully updated to include Northrend and Wrath of the Lich King. While the sale of these guides does help a bit toward my hosting costs, I read them thoroughly and don't make these recommendations lightly! So, I highly recommend Warcraft Millionaire as it's definitely the best I've seen. So if you're planning on getting one and also want to help out maxdps, I recommend getting it now so you know how to get the most gold out of leveling in Wrath!

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