Wednesday 11 March 2009

Do you want to be a Hunter?

As time went by,those fighters who took up the path of the druid would learn to become nature itself;shamans would learn to call upon it;warriors and rogues would make battle their art, each in their own way.But hunters remained at that pivotal point between sentient races and the natural world -- they are connected to nature,but not manifestations of it; they work together with nature, but they do not worship it or call upon its spirits; they fight their enemies with the utmost passion, but they do cheap wow gold it with the tools that hearken back to the dawn of civilization.This installment of All the World's a Stage is the twenty-fifth in a series of roleplaying guides in which we find out all the background information you need to roleplay a particular race or class well, without embarrassing yourself. The Hunter is probably the oldest class in World of Warcraft. Before anyone in Azeroth took up an axe or sword, or learned anything of how to cast spells -- even before they learned to write -- they had to hunt for food. If they were like early Earth societies, the people of many nomadic groups would have relied on their hunters to bring in the meat they needed, as well as to protect the community from enemies. Back then, there would have been no such thing as fancy armor or complicated magical weapons. The relationship of a fighter to nature was just as important as the weapons he carried, if not more so.Modern hunters in World of Warcraft come from the ancient tradition of those who cheap wow gold learned to keep themselves and their families alive by living in harmony with nature.They learned the essential mysteries of survival in the wilderness, killing animals with stealth and primitive weapons, trapping them, and eventually turning predators and prey alike into friends and servants.

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