Sunday 15 March 2009

A New Person's Guide To RP/RP-PVP Realms

You dread it. You try not to see it. But they're always there. Threads beseeching information as to which RP/RP-PVP Realm has the most/best/friendliest/waffliest RP environment. We RPers are an organized bunch, so let us stop with the redundancy and pool our opinions together so as to inform the hungry, stray forum lurkers who have only just yet begun to feel the RP fuzzies and are thinking of creating a RP toon. So essentially,

Now, I need the help of my fellow RPers for the next part. Don't moan and groan, you'll be thanking yourselves in the long run, trust me. I know if I have to see one more Good RP Servers? thread, I will have to stab my eye out with a spoon. Yes, it is possible to do that. That is why I'm wearing the eye patch, if you've noticed. Anywhozit, here's what I need:
Realm Name: Twisting Nether
Realm Type: RP-PVP
RP Status On Realm: Lots. I mean, a bunch. I've had many IC conversations from people I don't know and just run into on the streets. Stormwind is a popular place for RPers and you'll surely find RP there. Just the sheer amount of people walking around with MyRolePlay or FlagRSP is heartening. There's RP in Inn's, in the street, in the Auction House... If you want RP on Twising Nether, go to Stormwind. All it takes, really, is to walk up to someone and introduce yourself. Instant RP. Even in groups, it's pretty common to get an RPer or two in your party. I've met some wonderful RPers while grouping, and even RP'ed in some instances. The non-RPers were respectful and let us do our RP thing without hostility or aggravation. I can't say enough about how much I enjoy RPing on this server!
Would You Recommend This Realm And, If So, Which Faction?: If you are looking for nice, friendly people and with a good RP atmosphere, then I would recommend the RP alliance side. The Trade and General and other channels are not very good venues for RP, however, there is little RP hate or "griefers" on this server. I have yet to be ridiculed or mocked for RPing, even in the middle of Stormwind. I've heard that RP hordeside is poor, so I wouldn't recommend it.
Any RP Guilds Recruiting And What Type?: There are always guilds spamming recruitment spiels on the LFG channel and sometimes, even the Guild Recruitment channel (gasp!). There are many a guild on Twisting Nether. Perhaps if you pst me in game, I can try and point you in the right direction, based on your preferences. ^_^
And that's all you have to do, folks. Just copy my example and paste your own responses in the appropriate places. Simple enough, huh? And when enough people post and the thread starts winding down, I'll edit this post and tally up the votes for the most popular realms so they are easily accessible. As my experience in RP realms is laughable, I'm counting on you, RPers, to help out our confused and thread-creating happy brethren! Let peace and tranquility settle upon our blessed forums as the last of the Which RP Realm Is The Best threads die and slowly fade into an evanescent nether. If any of you have anything to add to make this thread more awesome than it already is, feel free to post your ideas! The ultimate goal is for this thread to become a sticky, so, if you feel inclined to do so, press the hazard sign/ report button and request a sticky from the sticky gods themselves! Now that all the formalities are out of the way, get your opiniony opinions ready...and YOU'RE OFF!
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