Friday 13 March 2009

How to play WoW for free month to month

Most of you already know there is an initial fee that everyone has to pay Blizzard in order to activate a new account so that you can create characters on servers and start playing the game. I forget if the activation fee was $15 or $20, but the point is, there is no way around it and you have to pay $15 a month once you have activated your account. I payed the initial fee to activate my account with my credit card of course, and for a few months after, I payed the monthly $15 with my credit card too, that is of course until my credit card expired. Now I didn't plan on playing WoW for more than a few months, but I also didn't realize that my credit card was going to expire this soon.
So I had played WoW for a few months at my own pace, questing and leveling, twinking a few alts while leveling my main (Ret Pally =P), enjoying the game, spending more and more time playing online, completely oblivious to the fact my credit card was going to expire, and when it did, I would no longer be able to pay for it (because I didn't have any cash on me, it's either all in my bank or gone because of payments to my credit/debit cards/bills). So a I was basically playing the game with no intention of stopping. And all of my decisions in game where made according to my "in the long run" train of thought. I figured it would be a good idea to just twink at 49 on my ret pally and just grind AB and WG marks (since they're easier to get at lower levels) for a week or more, after that I could just level up and turn them in (along with all the other marks) for honor or gear once I hit 80. But unfortunately my credit card expired 5 days after I started grinding marks and I couldn't help but feel that it had expired at the worst possible time.
So my credit card had expired (the one with the lowest interest rate, the one I was using for WoW) and even if I renewed it (or applied for a different one with a reasonable interest rate) it was going to be a while until I could play WoW again. Using any of my other cards was out of the question (interest rates through the freaking roof don't know why I ever got them) and like I said before, I don't carry around too much cash. Out of fear that I may not have enough money to pay for everything at the end of the month, I decided against going over to Wal-Mart and buying a 60 prepaid card ($30 for 60days = $15 a month). So in my free time I began looking around the internet searching for a way to play WoW for free, at least until I got my credit card renewed. I typed crap into search engines and got crap on the search results pages as well. A lot of the search results were private servers, fail youtube vids, or really suspicious websites, none of which I bothered trying out, but I looked at them and could tell they weren't legit. Didn't try the private servers because I was gonna continue playing all of my toons but I just didn't have cash at the moment. What I was looking for was a way to pay for WoW, but the internet had everything except for what I wanted.
Eventually I stumbled upon a FEW (2 or 3 out of like 1,000) websites that didn't look too suspicious because they didn't ask for personal information, didn't require any payment, and didn't even require real info. I figured the worst thing that could happen was get some form of spyware or virus, but it's nothing I would have to worry about with a firewall and an antivirus/antispyware program that I update every time I feel like scanning. 1 of the websites I found didn't look the least bit malicious and because it didn't even require real info or any sort of payment, I decided I would give it a try. Sure enough I have to make some sort of login or username to use the website so I go ahead and get that done, then I go and check out the website's forums (it has forums O.o) and it's not completely barren like I imagined it would be. Forums had a bunch of threads there for noobs, tips and tricks topics, stickies, Q&A posts and whatnot. After figuring out what this website is about and how it works, I go ahead and try to get my "Free WoW".
And so, after like a week of trying (give or take a few days), I had finally "earned" my free WoW. I requested my free WoW knowing that it would probably not come, but it didn't really matter to me because it was only a waste of time, it wasn't like I was being scammed or keylogged. 1 week and a few days after I had requested it, my "Free WoW " came. And so then I type in the code on the official WoW website (knowing very well that it wouldn't work) and to my surprise, the code was legit! I logged into my account that very instant, and I still couldn't believe that it had worked. I had, somehow, stumbled upon something on the internet that was actually FREE. The next month though, my renewed credit card came in, and so I decided I would try to get Free WoW again for this month too (maybe I just got lucky?). Even though it took a little bit longer this time (using the same website), I got my free WoW again, typed the code into the WoW website again, and it worked! AGAIN!
Even though I couldn't find a way to get the expansions for free (BC, WotLK) I still managed to get Free WoW (month to month) up until this day...

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